


Danish Krone (DKK)



Time Zone


Employer Tax

8% - 12.5%



Fiscal Year

1 Jan - 31 Dec

Table of Contents

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Key Country Facts

Denmark is a country located in Northern Europe. It is the southernmost of the Scandinavian countries and is bordered by Germany to the south. Denmark is a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary democracy and a mixed-market economy. The country has a high standard of living and is known for its social welfare system and quality of life.


Denmark has a total area of 42,933 square kilometers, making it one of the smaller countries in Europe. The country consists of a peninsula (Jutland) and numerous islands, including Zealand (where the capital city of Copenhagen is located), Funen, and Bornholm.


Denmark has a temperate maritime climate, with mild winters and cool summers. The average temperature in Copenhagen in January, the coldest month, is around 0°C (32°F), while the average temperature in July, the warmest month, is around 17°C (63°F). The country experiences a fair amount of precipitation throughout the year, with the wettest months typically being July and August.


Danish culture is known for its emphasis on "hygge," a sense of coziness and conviviality that is central to the Danish way of life. Danish culture also places a strong emphasis on social equality and inclusivity. The country is home to numerous cultural institutions, including museums, galleries, and theaters.


Christianity is the dominant religion in Denmark, with the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Denmark being the official state church. However, the country is known for its high level of religious tolerance and freedom of religion.

Official Language

The official language of Denmark is Danish, a North Germanic language that is closely related to Norwegian and Swedish. English is also widely spoken and understood in Denmark, particularly among younger generations.

Payroll Information

Denmark has a highly regulated and structured payroll system that requires employers to comply with numerous rules and regulations. Employers are responsible for ensuring that they are following all relevant laws and regulations, including those related to taxes, social security contributions, and other payroll-related obligations.

Payroll Cycle

The standard payroll cycle in Denmark is monthly, with most employees receiving their salaries on the last banking day of the month. However, some employers may choose to pay their employees bi-weekly or weekly.

Employment Law

Denmark has a highly regulated employment system that is designed to protect workers' rights and ensure fair treatment. The country has a minimum wage, which is reviewed and adjusted annually. As of 2023, the minimum wage in Denmark is DKK 115.50 per hour. Employers are also required to provide paid vacation time and sick leave to their employees.

Employment Contract

In Denmark, employment contracts are required by law and must be provided to employees within one month of their start date. The contract must specify the terms and conditions of employment, including the employee's job title, salary, working hours, and notice period. It must also specify the duration of the employment, which can be either for a fixed term or indefinite.

Employment contracts in Denmark are governed by the Danish Act on Employment Contracts, which outlines the rights and obligations of both employers and employees. Employers are required to comply with all relevant laws and regulations, including those related to working hours, overtime, and breaks. In addition, employers must provide a safe working environment for their employees and take steps to prevent discrimination and harassment in the workplace.

Probation Period / Trial Period

In Denmark, employers may choose to have a probationary period for new employees, during which time the employee's performance and suitability for the job can be evaluated. The maximum length of a probationary period is 6 months, and during this time, the employment can be terminated with notice without providing a reason.

Working Hours

The standard working week in Denmark is 37 hours, and most employees work from Monday to Friday. Overtime is only allowed in exceptional circumstances, such as when there is a sudden increase in demand or an urgent need to complete a project. Overtime is typically compensated with additional pay or time off in lieu.


If employees work more than 37 hours per week, they are entitled to overtime pay. The rate of overtime pay is typically higher than the regular hourly rate, with employees receiving 50% additional pay for the first three hours of overtime worked and 100% additional pay for any additional hours worked.


Employers in Denmark may choose to offer bonuses to their employees, typically in the form of an annual performance-related bonus or a profit-sharing bonus. Bonuses are subject to income tax and social security contributions.


Employers can terminate an employee's employment contract in Denmark, but they must provide a valid reason for doing so. Reasons for termination may include poor performance, misconduct, or redundancy. If an employee is terminated, they are entitled to receive notice and severance pay.

Notice Period

The notice period in Denmark depends on the length of the employee's service with the employer. For employees with less than 6 months of service, the notice period is 1 month. For employees with more than 6 months of service, the notice period increases to either 1, 2, or 3 months, depending on the length of service.

Redundancy / Severance Pay

If an employer needs to make redundancies, they must follow a strict process that includes consultation with the affected employees and their representatives. Employees who are made redundant are entitled to receive notice and severance pay, as well as other forms of support, such as job training and assistance with finding new employment.

Maternity Leave

In Denmark, female employees are entitled to up to 52 weeks of maternity leave, which can begin 4 weeks before the expected due date. During this time, the employee is entitled to receive maternity pay from their employer, which is typically around 90% of their regular salary. Employers may also be required to provide reasonable adjustments to the employee's working conditions to accommodate their pregnancy.

Paternity Leave

Male employees in Denmark are entitled to 2 weeks of paternity leave following the birth of a child. During this time, the employee is entitled to receive paternity pay from their employer, which is typically around 90% of their regular salary.

Parental Leave

In addition to maternity and paternity leave, both male and female employees in Denmark are entitled to up to 32 weeks of parental leave per child. This leave can be taken until the child is 8 years old, and during this time, the employee is entitled to receive parental pay from their employer, which is typically around 50% of their regular salary.

Vacation and Annual Leave (paid time off)

Employees in Denmark are entitled to a minimum of 5 weeks of annual leave per year, which can increase based on length of service or collective bargaining agreements. During this time, the employee is entitled to receive their regular salary from their employer.

Sick Leave

Employees in Denmark are entitled to sick leave if they are unable to work due to illness or injury. The length of sick leave varies based on the employee's length of service, with employees with less than a year of service entitled to 1 month of sick leave, and employees with more than a year of service entitled to up to 12 months of sick leave. During this time, the employee is entitled to receive sick pay from their employer, which is typically around 80% of their regular salary.

Other Leaves

In addition to the above-mentioned leave entitlements, employees in Denmark may also be entitled to other types of leave, such as study leave or compassionate leave, which can vary based on the employer's policies and collective bargaining agreements.

Other Benefits

Employers in Denmark may also offer additional benefits to their employees, such as pension contributions, health insurance, or company cars. These benefits can vary based on the employer's policies and collective bargaining agreements.

Public Holidays

Denmark has several public holidays, including New Year's Day, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Great Prayer Day, Ascension Day, Whit Monday, Christmas Day, and Boxing Day. Employers are required to provide paid leave to employees on these days.


Taxation in Denmark is relatively high compared to other countries, but it also provides comprehensive social welfare programs and public services. It is important for individuals and employers to understand the applicable tax and social security requirements to ensure compliance with Danish tax laws and regulations.

Personal Income Tax

Denmark has a progressive tax system, meaning that the tax rate increases as the income level increases. As of 2023, the personal income tax rates in Denmark are as follows:

  • Income up to DKK 57,200: 0%
  • Income from DKK 57,200 to 129,200: 7.7%
  • Income from DKK 129,200 to 459,900: 12.35%
  • Income from DKK 459,900 to 667,000: 15%
  • Income above DKK 667,000: 55.8%

In addition to the above rates, an additional municipal tax rate may also apply, which varies based on the municipality in which the individual resides.

Social Security

In addition to personal income tax, employees in Denmark are also required to make social security contributions, which fund various social welfare programs, such as healthcare, unemployment benefits, and pensions. As of 2023, the social security contribution rate is 8% of the employee's gross salary, up to a certain limit.

Employers are also required to make social security contributions, which are calculated based on the employee's gross salary and the employer's industry sector. The employer's social security contribution rate ranges from 0.4% to 5.5%, depending on the industry sector.

Visas and Foreign Workers

General Information

Work Permit

To work in Denmark, individuals from outside the EU/EEA and Switzerland must have a valid work permit. The work permit can be obtained through the Danish Agency for International Recruitment and Integration (SIRI).

Job Offer

In order to obtain a work permit, the individual must have a job offer from a Danish employer. The employer must demonstrate that they were unable to find a suitable candidate from the EU/EEA or Switzerland.

Salary Requirements

In order to qualify for a work permit, the individual must be offered a salary that is equal to or higher than the pay and conditions of Danish workers in the same field. The salary must also be sufficient to support the individual and any accompanying family members.

Language Requirements

Depending on the job and industry, there may be language requirements for obtaining a work permit. Some jobs may require fluency in Danish, while others may require proficiency in English.

Application Process

The work permit application can be submitted online through SIRI's website. The application must include the individual's personal information, job offer details, and supporting documentation.

Processing Time

The processing time for a work permit application can vary, but it typically takes between 1-3 months. The individual will receive a decision on their application by email.


A work permit in Denmark is typically valid for up to two years, after which it can be renewed. The work permit is tied to the specific job and employer for which it was issued.

Family Members

Depending on the individual's work permit, family members may be eligible to accompany them to Denmark. Family members must also apply for a permit to reside and work in Denmark.

Other Requirements

In addition to the work permit, individuals may be required to obtain a residence permit in order to live and work in Denmark. They may also need to obtain a tax card and register with the Danish Civil Registration System.

It is important to note that the rules and requirements for obtaining a work permit in Denmark can change, and it is recommended to check with the Danish immigration authorities for the most up-to-date information.